A significant change at MFTA

Over the past few years technology has accompanied us in our everyday lives, bringing quick and efficient solutions to make the most out of time. As a means of moving forward and suit our every-changing needs and life styles, MFTA’s website changes.

Change of the logo

With a complete and thorough retooling of our furnishing fabrics professional space, enhanced navigation modules will allow you to easily browse through our e-catalogue. Improved filters will also allow for quicker product seach and let you create a wishlist in our system.

Haven't filled out our registration form, yet?

Before moving on, perhaps you would like to know more about different fabrics qualities? We mainly sell cretonne (also available with acrylic coating), jacquards, bachettes, linen or palace (linen look) and other materials. For more visuals, see our page "overview of our fabrics" .

For any questions, feel free to fill out our contact form. Our team will answer you as soon as possible to meet your requirements! We wish you a nice discovery of our fabrics !
