Contact us : +33 3 89 35 72 35
Concerned with individuals rights to automatic treatment of personal data and in a willingness to full transparency towards its customers, MFTA sets up a policy reprising all treatment, pursuit and means of action at the service of individuals so they can better exercise their rights. For any additional information regarding protection of personal data, we invite you to consult
By pursuing navigation in this website you accept without reserve the following conditions of use. The current online version and its conditions, is the only opposable during usage of it, and this until a new version replaces it.
Conform to dispositions in articles 6-lll and 19 of Law numer 2004-575 from June 21st, 2004 for Trust in digital economy (L.C.E.N.) we inform users and visitors to website the following information :
Site is the exclusive property of SARL MFTA, which also edits it. Branch activity : selling of furnishing fabrics per meters. SARL MFTA, qui l’édite. Secteur d’activité : la vente de tissus d’ameublement au mètre.
SARL with capital of 1 500 00,00 €
Tél : 03 89 35 72 35
10 Rue Gutenberg ZI 68800 Vieux-Thann – Cedex France
Trade and company register licence 341 301 901 with number 341 301 901 00045
Intra community VAT number : FR0234130190100045
Adresse de courrier électronique :
Directeur de la publication : Stéphanie Gubiani
1.3 HOST
Le site est hébergé par Orange : 78 rue Olivier de Serres, 75015 Paris
Stéphanie Gubiani :
Graphic conception and website development
Léa Schweder – Webmaster MFTA –
Photographe : Jodee Photographie
Access to website and its usage are reserved to a strictly personal use. By accesing it you commit to not using this website, its information and data for commercial, political, advertising ends or any form of commercial sollicitation, particularly sending of unrequested emails.
All brands, photographs, text, comments, illustrations, images, animated images, videos, sounds, as well as all digital applications that could be used for the functionning of this website and generally, all used and reproduced elements are protected by intellectual property current laws.
They are the full and complete property of the Editor or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, usage or adaptation, under any form of all or parts of its elements, digital applications included, under any support without prior and written agreement from the Editor is strictly forbidden.
Lack of authorization is sanctionned as counterfeiting crime
The fact the Editor does not engage a legal procedure upon knowledge of unauthorized usage, it is not worth acceptation of said usage and abandon of legal pursuit.
To ensure correct site management, the Editor can at all time :
- • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or parts of the site, reserve site access, or parts of it, to a determined visitor category ;
- • delete all information that could disturb its functionning, or which is in opposition to national or international laws, or Netiquette rules ;
- adjourn site to proceed to updates.
The Editor’s responsibility cannot be engaged in case of failure, default, difficulty or interruption of functionning, hindering access to the site or any of tis functionalities. Hardware connexion you use to access our site is entirely your responsibility. You ought to take all necessary and appropriate measures to protect your material and your data from viral attacks via Internet. You are the sole reponsible for sites and data you consult.
The Editor cannot be held responsible in case of legal pursuit against you :
- Due to site usage or any other service available via Internet ;
- • Due to non-respect of the present general conditions of use.
The editor is not reponsible for damages against you, or third parties and/or your equipment due to your connexion or usage of our site and, you decline all legal action against him/her because of it. Should the Editor became the object of a legal or amicable procedure because of your use of our site, he/she could turn against you to obtain compensation of all prejudices, sums condamnations and fees which could arise from such procedure.
Hyperlink set-up by users towards all or part of the site is authorized by the Editor. Any link will be deleted upon simple request by the Editor. All available information via a link towards third party sites is not published by the Editor. The Editor does not dispose of any right over content in the aforementioned link.
Your data is collected by MFTA. Personal information designs all information concerning an identified or identifable physical person. It is known as identifiable a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, by reference to his/her name, identification number, one or more specific elements proper to their physical, physiological, genetical, psychical, economical, cultural or social identity. Collected personal data is mainly used by the Editor to help manage customer relation, or processing your orders.
Collected personal data is the following :
- Last and first name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Company name
- Professional activity
- N°SIRET / VAT number
- Zip code
Un délégué à la protection des données : Stéphanie Zobenbiehler,, is at your disposal for all information regarding protection your personal data.
In accordance with applicable regulation to personal data, users are entitled the following rights :
- Right to access : they can exercise their right to access to acknowledge personal data concerning them by sending a message to the email address below. Should that be the case, prior to exercising such right, the platform may request an identity proof from user to verify information accuracy ;
- Right to amendment : should personal data held by the platform be inaccurate, they may request information update ;
- Right to data suppression : users can request deletion for personal data according to applicable laws regarding data protection ;
- Right to treatment limitation : user can request the platform to limit treatment of personal data according to hypothesis foreseen by RGPD;
- Right to oppose data treatment : users can oppose as to their data being treated accordingly to hypothesis foreseen by RGPD ;
- Right to portability : they can request handing over of provided personal data in order to transmit them to a new platform.
You can exercise this right by contacting us at the following address : 10 rue d’Uzes 75002 Paris. Or by email at :
Any request must be accompanied by a signed and valid photo identity document which clearly states the address at which the editor could contact the petitioner. An answer will be addressed within the following month upon reception of request. Should the complexity of the request and/or requests requires it, the aforementioned delay can be extended to two months.
Moreover, and after law number 2016-1321 from October 7th, 2016, any person who desires to, has the possibility to arrange for the fate of their data after passing away. For further information on this you can visit CNIL’s website :
User can also present a claim before CNIL here below.
Prior to presenting a claim before CNIL we invite to contact us first. We remain at your entire disposition to sort out any issue.
Collected personal data from users aims at providing services in the platform, their improvement and maintaining a secure environment. The legal basis for treatment is the execution of the contract between user and platform. More precisely, usage is as follow :
- User’s access and use of the platform ;
- Platform’s function and optimization management ;
- Setting up of users assistance ;
- Verification, identification and authentification of data provided by the user
- Service personalization by showcasing advertisement based on user’s web browsing history according to their preferences ;
- Prevention and detection of fraud, malwares and handling security incidents ;
- Managing possible user claims ;
- Sending of commercial and advertisement information based on user’s preferences ;
The platform preserves your data for the necessary duration to provide you its services and grant you assistance.
Within reasonable measure and when required to satisfy legal obligation, sort-out claims, hinder fraud and abuse or applying our terms and conditions, we can also preserve certain information if necessary, even if your account is closed or you no longer need our services.
Personal data can be shared with third parties exclusively within the European Union and in the following cases :
- When the user publishes in the platform’s free comments zones information accesible to the pubic ;
- When the user authorizes a third-party website access to his/her data ;
- When the platform resorts to service providers to grant customer assistance, publicity and payment services. Such providers have limited access to user’s data within the execution framework of their service, and have contractual obligation to use it in accordance to applicable dispositions and regulations related to personal data protection ;
- If requested by law, the platform can transmit data to follow up on claims presented against the platform and conform to administrative and legal procedures.
Cookies are small files, usually constituted by letters and numbers, downloaded into your computer when you access certain websites or services. Cookies are then sent to their origin website or service each subsequent visit.
Cookies have several uses, most notably allowing you to efficiently browse websites, remember your preferences and generally enhancing your web browsing experience. They also contribute to knowing your preferences and propose more relevant products based on your interests.
Cookies do not contain nor collect information. However, when read by a server with an internet browser, it allows to provide a friendlier service by remembering, for example, previous purchases or account identification.
Cookies are stocked in your web browser’s memory and each of them usually contains :
- Name of the server from which cookies have been sent ;
- Cookies life span ;
- A value – usually a random generated number.
The internet server sending cookies uses this number to recognize you when visiting a website or browsing from page to page. Only the server sending such cookies can read it, therefore being the only one able to use them.
There are two types of cookies, ‘temporary’ and ‘permanent’ :
- Temporary cookies allow websites to link your actions during a browsing session. They can be used to several ends. They can also be used for security reasons when you access your account in social media or allow easier access to emails. Temporary cookies disappear at the end of your session and are not stocked for a longer period.
- Permanent cookies are stocked in your computer between web browsing sessions and allow to preserve in memory your preferences or actions in a website (or in some cases in several websites). Permanent cookies can be used to diverse ends, in particular to remember your preferences and choices when using a website or creating targeted advertising.
Cookies can also be classified in the following categories, ‘internal cookies’ which come the website you are visiting, or ‘external cookies’ which come from third party websites.
MFTA uses the following cookies to improve and personalize your experience in the website :
- Cookies name : Google Analytics
- Cookies aim : Google Analytics cookies are used to record your behavior in the website or the service you visit, such as visit frequency, tabs and buttons clicked, etc. [m1]
- To better serve you, we also measure the number of seen pages, number of visits as well as visitors activity in our website and their return frequency.
- To this effect, we use cookies technology provided by the audience measuring solution from Google Analytics.
Through your web browser parameters you can control cookies. You can control cookies through Flash Macromedia application on your computer, or by accessing the Adobe Flash Player website, which will allow you to identify, modify or delete Flash cookies.
Use of cookies, web tags or similar technology used by third party web advertising providers is subject to their own privacy policy regarding cookies.
If you consent to cookies usage in your web browser through the banner appearing in the home page of the website, please note such consent can be withdrawn at any time.
If you wish to delete cookies in our website, follow the steps below.
On Google Chrome
Click on the Personalize and Control menu on the web browser tool bar. Select Parameters. Click on Show advance parameters. In the section Privacy, click on the Content parameters button. In the section Cookies, you can modify the following parameters : Delete cookies. Click on Cookies and website data parameters to open the dialog ‘Cookies and other data’. To suppress all cookies, click on Delete all at the bottom of dialog. To delete specific cookies, browse the mouse on the site generating such cookies, then click X in the right-side angle.
On Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0
To open Internet Explorer, click on the Start button, then on Internet Explorer. Click on the Security button, then on Delete web browsing history. Activate the corresponding case regarding cookies. Activate the case Keep data from favorite websites if you do not wish to delete cookies and associated files to websites in your Favorites list. Click on Delete
Cliquez sur Supprimer.
On Mozilla Firefox
On the upper side of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button, scroll through the History menu, then select Delete recent history. In the scroll down menu Period to delete, select all. Click on the arrow near Details to show elements included in history. Select Cookies case and ensure elements you wish to keep are not selected. Then click on Delete now to suppress all cookies and close the Delete recent history window.
On Safari
Choose Safari > Preferences. Click on Security. Select Show cookies. Select the desired cookies and click on Delete or Delete all. After deleting cookies click on Finish.
The present conditions of use for the website are governed under French law and subject to the competence of Paris tribunal courts, under reserve of a specific competency attribution bearing from a particular law text or regulation.
Pour toute question, information sur les éléments figurant sur le site, ou concernant le site lui-même, ou les présentes mentions légales, vous pouvez nous adresser un message à l’adresse suivante :